We want your feedback! Please share your experience concerning our product or about a previous experience with an open garage door. We would like to publish your comments in our next newsletter and on our web site. Your personal information will remain confidential. Please include your first name and your city/state or province. Please click here to send us your comments.
" I consider your units as necessary as smoke detectors for home safety."
-Win in Michigan
"Once again thank you! Pretty exceptional for a business to provide so much assistance. I will definitely be a future customer, and recommend you as well."
-John in Ohio
"Just a note to say that my two-door pre-linked GarageHawk system was a big hit at Christmas and couldn't have been easier to install. It works great and even my kids get excited to check the light to make sure the doors are closed before bed! I look forward to integrating it into a home automation system in the near future."
-Mike in Connecticut
"Thanks for sending the replacement part under warranty. Appreciate the service. The new one works fine."
-Bill in Ohio
"Wow, I can’t wait to order a Garagehawk for our house. We have 2 garage doors in our garage and someone is always leaving it open. Our teenagers are really bad at forgetting to close the door (and they are always coming and going of course). It will be nice to monitor that the garage is closed up before we go to bed at night. And save my husband a trip back down to the garage to check on it."
-Marina in Los Gatos, California
" Thanks for the great service. Garage Hawk is mighty fine."
-Terry in New York
"Hi, I was interested to find your website and learning about your upcoming product. I can't wait to get one for my home. I live in a rural area and last fall a raccoon got into my garage when I accidentally left the garage door open one night. I evidently locked him in when I left home the next morning. I'm sure you can imagine the amount of damage a wild animal can do inside a closed garage! Please let me know when I can order my GarageHawk. Thank you."
-Grant in Missouri
Hi Grant. GarageHawk is available now! It won't fix your damages but it will help to keep it from happening again.